Spotted Raphael Golf Ball!


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Isle of Wight U.K.
Hi all,

My largest Spotted Raphael is now about 8 months old and was doing really well until about a month ago when i noticed he was getting rather on the fat side. Since then i haven't really seen all that much of him as he hides behind the filter and won't come out til after bed time!

I have just been doing a 50% wc and cleaning out the filter when i noticed him..... He's HUGE! When i say HUGE i mean ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE :crazy: he's about 5 inches long and i'm not joking he's about 5 inches round, You can hardly see his face at all. Somebody please tell me what could be wrong with him because i really haven't got a clue. My other 5 Raphaels look fine... as my Avatar. I don't over feed them & all the water perameters are fine!


Kaz x-x-x-x-x
These catfish are well known for eating and eating and eating, and it is not unusual for them to look like a beach ball! My largest can stuff almost an ything down his mouth and is still hungry. I believe yours is huge as it is staying under the filter and eating all the food that is pulled to it, i shouldnt worr but maybe you ought to cut down on how much you feed?
Man, waiting under the filter so food comes to it, that is one smart fish eh!

Maybe thats why its fat, its figured out how to eat more and excersice less. A bitt like homer simpson. LOL :rofl:
I've got a Homer Simpson Raphael? OMG that means i'm gonna have 2 re-name all of them now! I suppose the smallest will have to be Santas Little Helper! :D

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