I have a 20g long setup, with sand substrate, lots of rocks and few plants.
I was wondering what fish, if any the spotted puffer will not attack. I have found that he does not care about my zebra danios that i put in or my banjo catfish. Although he did care about my dwarf frogs and black ruby barbs, he killed them. He tried attacking my pleco but i stoped him. He doesnt chase my ghost shrimp either. I am thinking about trying some khuli loaches, any other suggestions???
I was wondering what fish, if any the spotted puffer will not attack. I have found that he does not care about my zebra danios that i put in or my banjo catfish. Although he did care about my dwarf frogs and black ruby barbs, he killed them. He tried attacking my pleco but i stoped him. He doesnt chase my ghost shrimp either. I am thinking about trying some khuli loaches, any other suggestions???