Spotted Pictus staying in the corner...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I bought a pictus cat about a week ago and he seems to be getting along fine with the other fish (one angel, one gourami and some zebras/tetras). When it's feeding time he will swim around a lot and find the food, but other than that he just stays in the top corner of the tank behind the filter.

I was thinking it had to do with the light (maybe it's darker up there?) but I don't know. I have a rock and a few plants he could hide under if he wanted to hide from the light so I don't know what's up.

Any idea why he likes the corner?

The fish store only had one..........guess I'll go back and check from time to time.
Depending on the individual fish they will play "tag" or "follow the leader" when in groups. Just make sure you have enough space in your tank (territory wise) and you're not too bottom heavy. Oh yeah, they'll most likely eat small fish. I have 2 in a 55g. They like to "chill" in the back corner facing up. They will often leave their corner to "cruise" the tank.
By spotted pictus i presume you actually mean spotted pimelodus, Pimelodus maculatus, not Pimelodus pictus? Check to see which is your fish here in the cat e log .

Whichever fish it is it isnt suitable for your current list of fish, small fish like tetras and danio's are both on the menu as snacks for carnivorous catfish from the Pimelodidae family. Also you dont mention the tank size, P.maculatus is a fairly large growing solitary living fish which reaches 8 to 10 inches in captivity and will need a minimum of a 55 gallon tank, P.pictus usually stays smaller at around 6" but is a schooling fish that must be kept in groups of 3 or more so will require a 30g minimum and prefferably larger, when kept in small tanks pimeloids feel cramped and will show strange behaviour.
It is a Pimelodus Pictus (the fish store called it a spotted pictus).

I guess I made a mistake and talked to someone at the fish store who didn't know anything. He said one would be fine by itself, but he did tell me when he gets larger he will probably eat the smaller fish. Same thing with the Angel right?

My tank is only 10 gallons. I realize now that I have too many fish that grow, I've read a lot about fish on this board since I got my tank. Angels require a larger tank for sure, this Pictus I thought was ok, but now I know I was wrong.

Right now the Angel is only about the size of a silver dollar, and the Pimelodus Pictus is only a little over an inch long. I really like the fish, and I plan on getting a larger tank as soon as I can afford it.

How fast will they grow in a 10 gallon tank?

Thank you all for the great info, from now on I will do my research BEFORE I buy anything (newby fish mistake...what can I say, I was excited). I hate it when my fish aren't happy.


p.s. Anyone know of some really cheap ways to get a larger tank (30 or 50 gallons)?
noclueman said:
p.s. Anyone know of some really cheap ways to get a larger tank (30 or 50 gallons)?
Look in your local paper for adverts, also check on ebay, sometimes even people on ehre have tanks for sale (there is a buy/sell/swap section of the forum for that...)

Also if you're dedicated and good at making things you can buy a cheap new tank without a canopy and make your own canopy. Extra hassle I guess but I think it does work out cheaper.
Its not how fast they will grow in a 10 gal. But how fast they will outgrow one. When fish are kept in small tanks it stunts there growth. My 5 pictus have grown fast and i know theres no way they could make it in a 10 gal as they love to swim almost CFC said...when they are not kept with there own kind they will act strange...but they are mostly a nocturnal fish and will take shelter under rocks/caves during the day. I found a cool 29 gal tank at a yard sale for $15. Check around theres lots of good deals out there.
noclueman said:
p.s. Anyone know of some really cheap ways to get a larger tank (30 or 50 gallons)?
If you live near a military base, look around for the newspaper specifically for that base. Your local grocery market might be a good place to start. (Make sure it's the base/post-specific paper, and not the general Air Force/Army/Etc newspaper).

It's a fact of life for military families to have to move around often, and so you may end up with some good deals. I was just in my lfs yesterday and heard about a 75g tank donated to someone's workplace on base. So, keep your ears and eyes open. :)

P.S. Base = Air Force; Post = Army. The things you have to learn as a military brat. :)
pictus cats are fine by themselves. because 1. i have one by its self and it is fine, and 2 my sister has had one for two or three years and its about 6 or 7 inches and its never had another pictus cat. next they will most definatly eat anything that fits in their mouth. third dont go saying you made the mistake of talknig to someone that doesnt know anything about fish, becasue 1 he/she probably knows a hell of alot more about fish then you do, and 2 they might just not have known about that particular fish. lastly that type of fish are very shy and crazy, they will freak out and swim crazy if you approach the glass or startle them.

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