Spotted And Striped Raphael


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
Right, We have one spotted raphael and 3 striped raphael's

The spotted one NEVER EVER comes out

The striped ones are out all of the time


and another thing, I picked the spotted one up once, It squeaked then spiked me, I know they squeak alot but thats the 1st time its spiked me
The doradid family are covered in spines, so getting spiked is a given when handling. Wait untill they lock their spines int your finger.

Seeing any at all is good. Your real question should be why are you seeing the striped raphaels so much. I have 8 doradids in one 3 foot tank and still only see about one per fortnight.

Remember these fish are extremely nocturnal. If you really want to see them, make the room entirely black, and shine a red light on to the tank after dropping some catfish pellets in. You should see some doradids then.
You're lucky to see any at all! They are indeed very shy and very nocturnal.
im sorry u pick up ur fish??one word springs to mind... why?! do u regularly bring ur fish out for a cuddle?!
:fish: :rofl:
spotted and striped raphaels are also known as talking catfish because they croak and squeak - which explains that.
I have a spotted one which permanently hides away in my bogwood and I never see it except for when i move the wood to check it's alive.

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