Spontaneous Pleco?


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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I have a single common pleco I just moved into a tank with a single bristle nose pleco not 8 weeks ago. I just noticed what looks like a common pleco baby, but could be a bristle nose, it is too small to tell at this point, not more than an inch long???? I can post pics later if that helps. I have not introduced ANYTHING into the tank for I don't know how long.....6 months, including plants, rocks other fish, NOTHING, except the one lone common pleco. The pleco I moved was the only pleco in the tank it came from. I moved it from an african tank to a south american tank. ??? I don't know what else to put. I am just curious if anyone has any ideas?? They don't hold eggs do they? Can they interspecies breed? Can the eggs stay out of water for a period? I have breed quite a few different fish before, but this is weird.

BN's are relatively easy to breed, but commons are as good as impossible in the home aquaria.

Do u have a couple of BN's as if you found a baby i would suspect them breeding.
I have only had one bn in there since I set the tank up a year ago. There was never two in there. Can they cross breed?
I suspect you got a bn fry caught in a bag with the common or on a plant or something?

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