Spontaneous Fungas Attack


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Within the last 12hrs fungas has decided to spread surprisingly. Its killed our fancy crowntail and now has attached itself to our 5 breeding females. We did a 70% water change, added Jungles fungas eliminator and an air stone as well. Today some look alot worse, some look better. The females that get better i section off and continue medicating but with something milder: Betta Fix(don't worry im not mixing meds).

For the females that look pretty bad, what is my last resort? Would a salt bath help? Should i remove the heater? Please help. I've been owning bettas for over 3 yrs and I've never had a fungas attack like this and it's spreading quickly.
I'm curious why you did not do a 100% waterchange if you have bettas - are they in a community tank? or why not the full deal. It will be a hell of alot easier to eliminate with a full water change and medication. BTW I find the jungle crystals great.
A 100% water change was done. Unfortunately 3 females died, 1 is still very ill and the other female seems to be getting better. We finally located an antibiotic called Maracyn and did a 100% water change on the tank and added a tablet and air stone. We'll see what tomorrow holds. Frankly I'm surprised the one female is doing so good considering how quick her room mates fell.
A 100% water change was done. Unfortunately 3 females died, 1 is still very ill and the other female seems to be getting better. We finally located an antibiotic called Maracyn and did a 100% water change on the tank and added a tablet and air stone. We'll see what tomorrow holds. Frankly I'm surprised the one female is doing so good considering how quick her room mates fell.

Ahhh I see...best of luck.

A note, if you have any amoxillin in the house, it can be used safely for fish at a dose of 500 mg/day for a week, per 20 gals. A 25% waterchange done everyday in between. (You can also find it called fishmox) Ir works on gram neg and gram pos so it can really assit in aquaria.

...if you are sure it is an antibiotic you need, it works very well and recently saved one of my community tanks from serious septecimia that was lingering for months after standard treatments. Of course you would have to have it in the correct ratio per your tank size.

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