Sponge Filters


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
I'm in the process of planning some killifish and rainbowfish breeding setups. So of course, I am looking into sponge filters for the fry tanks. Now, my issue is, there are so many types available out there. All different shapes, some with tubes and airstones, some with just tubing to that airpump, etc. So here are a couple of types I've been looking at. I'd like opinions on which would work best, what you all use and like or don't like, etc.

These are just the basic sponge that you attach the airline hose to:

And then theres this type with that extra tube in addtion to the airline hose:

This type, claiming more surface area:

So, is that extra tube necessary? Is the main purpose just to add to surface agitation?

Thanks for your ideas
The more sponge, the more bio filtration. The larger the diameter & length of the tube, the more water flow. I looked here, figured out the pics of the parts, & built my own. http://www.angelsplus.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?db=angelsplus.dat

I use pond sponges & a piece of pvc with holes drilled & a cap on the end. You can build 3 for the price of 1.

The extra tube is the bubble tube. It is not strictly necessary with the first and second links you have provided. With the third the tube is necessary becuase you can see the sponge is much taller and all of the sponge needs to be enlosed in the tube for it to work. It will not affect surface agitation either way whether there is a tube there or not.

Overall a lift tube may slightly increase the effectiveness of the sponge filters, but not by a huge amount. The filter in the fourth link looks to be nothing special to me - just made to "look cooler". Why not make one yourself :p ?

Thanks guys! Between Tolak's link and sammy's DIY thread, I may just make my own. Looks simple enough to do.
i use a simple sponge filter for all my breeding tanks, which i make myself out of:-

length of air line pipe,
an air stone,
6" length of 22mm pipe,
a 22mm 90' bend,
and a 6"*3"*4" peice of foam,

all you have to do is, take the peice of pipe and sharpen one end with some sand papper, than using the sharpened end bore a hole into the the foam, about 4" deep, then take the pipe and drill a serise of holes all around the bottom 4"ish, now drill a small hole in the corrner of the 90' bend, to assemble push the air line through the hole in the 90' bend, push the air stone onto thr air line, then push the 90' bend onto the 6" of 22mm pipe, then push the lot into the foam block, make sure the air stone is nealy at the bottom of the pipe.

hay presto i sponge fillter thet should be ok for about 50trs of water ( said to be good for 100ltr) :thumbs:
The sponges in the first link actually do come with a tube. That's there the air bubbles come out and the water flows through them

I had the round one in that link and it worked fine for my 5 gallon, although algea grew on it, but I think that was because of inappropriate lighting...

I replaced it with an aquaclear mini
Considering how cheap they are, diy seems to me a wastes of my time. I have always liked the hydro sponges and have found them to be the cheapest from kensfish

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