split tail


New Member
Aug 12, 2004
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i;ve just notice one of our guppy has a split down his tail :-( and it has to be the favorite one as well and i was wondering if there is any way we could help?

thx :fun:
Hi fishywishy :)

If it's just torn, it will heal by itself if your tank is clean and healthy, so don't worry about it. More importantly, try to figure out what happened so you can prevent it happening again, either to that fish or to another.

Perhaps you have a sharp edge on an artificial plant or decoration, or it could be that one of your other fish has nipped it.
I have a male guppy that has a ragged tail fin, and has had for some time (like 6 months)...I have treated with fungus meds, bacterial meds, parasite meds....you name it I have tried it....salt.....BLAH BLAH BLAH

So I figured since it hasn't got any worse it must be OK.....the fish is certainly healthy...it tries mating with the platy girls...BAD BOY!!!!!

That said, everytime I look at it I try and think of what else I can do

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