Split in betta fin.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Hello all,
I recently found this forum. It apears to be better planned and occupied than any other I have as of yet found. Now to my issue. My betta's fins are very ragged. They are not short just split. The tail fin is in about 4 different sections. All of the fins are in similer conditions. This is a fairly new occurence. He is in with 2 tetra, 2 dwarf gorami(sp?) and one algae eater in a 20 gal tank. Any thoughts or ideas would be great. He has been in this tank for about a month and it has only been in the last week that his fins are spliting. HELP. Thanks.
P.S. any other info you need just ask.
Wow, it's going to be kind of difficult. He's probably whipping around protecting his territory too much (their fins are fragile, we've had hyper fish shred or split their fins in solo bowls with nothing else in there just from slapping against the tank sides). Although your other fish may be peaceful, your betta will still feel he needs to defend his territory whenever anyone comes close. Not sure there is anything you can do other than to remove him (temporarily) to a smaller tank to which you can do daily water changes until his fins mend (trying to keep him calm), Melafix will help his fins recover faster. Good luck. If he's naturally "frantic," he may always sport tattered fins (even if he's kept in a solo tank).
Thanks for the ideas I will see how he does by himself.

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