No, that is not a generalization it is safe to make at any time of the day or night, it is inexcusable for someone of science, which is why I say I am on to you. I don't believe you've studied as much biology as I have even, and if you have you mustn't have stayed awake. I'm sick of seeing you post pretending you know what you're talking about and expecting everyone to believe you, I for one am not falling for it.
EDIT: Of course, feel free to prove me wrong, nothing would make me happier.
RE-EDIT: BTW, you haven't answered my question in your flowerhorn project thread yet...
Look.. I screwed up. I almost got the funder for the flowerhorn project to cut the funding by posting about it. I am no longer authorized to disclose any info on it.
they are even thinking of getting a new leader for the team. I SCREWED MY LIFE UP ALREADY PLEASE DON'T RUB IT IN