I added a second palm filter to my 5gal today, simply because I had one available and I figured it'd be handy. While the current didn't seem to bother my boy much, I actually watched his anal fin and caudal fin split, without him flaring at least once.
I was watching him swim around, making sure he was cool with the new little current, and He went from having no splits in any fins, to three distinct, long splits. Two in the caudal, one in the anal. 
I interpreted that to mean 'too much stress', and turned the filter off. For some odd reason, this other filter was much louder than my other one, so I wasn't too bothered to turn it off.
Out of curiosity: How many people have observed this in their bettas? And, does anyone else own a Red Sea Nano or an Azoo Palm filter? Is your Red Sea Nano noisy like grinding/vibrating? My Red Sea was actually louder than my computer.
My Azoo is almost perfectly silent and gentle. I have the compartment crammed with biomedia that was in my 10 gallon's filter for 2 weeks before I moved it over. So far it's working great for my betta in the 5gal. Since my cories in there temporarily, I thought I'd add another filter, for added filtration until they're moved.

I interpreted that to mean 'too much stress', and turned the filter off. For some odd reason, this other filter was much louder than my other one, so I wasn't too bothered to turn it off.
Out of curiosity: How many people have observed this in their bettas? And, does anyone else own a Red Sea Nano or an Azoo Palm filter? Is your Red Sea Nano noisy like grinding/vibrating? My Red Sea was actually louder than my computer.
My Azoo is almost perfectly silent and gentle. I have the compartment crammed with biomedia that was in my 10 gallon's filter for 2 weeks before I moved it over. So far it's working great for my betta in the 5gal. Since my cories in there temporarily, I thought I'd add another filter, for added filtration until they're moved.