Spiney Eel Flicking?


sic itur ad astra
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bury, UK
My friend and I both have juvenile spiney eels, bought at the same time from the same shop. I sadly lost one of my pair (total mystery, my littlest one just vanished without a trace) but she has both of hers and they, along with my remaining have been fine until yessterday one of hers started flicking on the sand.

She keeps them with a baby senegal bichir, a large juvenile oscar, 2xFiremouths and a few plecs. Her water stats are perfect (first thing she checked) and there are no other signs of anything wrong in the tank (I forgot the exact size but it is a big one)

So, should she be worried about the flicking or is this normal? Any advice welcome, thanks!
I feed mine bloodworm (live or frozen) and I am sure my friend does too. The other fish in her tank get flake (tetra brand) algae wafers and a selection of veggies. Not sure how much of the other foods the eel tries.
Dunno if you was feeding frozen prawn sometimes the salt content can make the fish flick.
Flicking in what way? If its kinda head first, its likely trying to bury itself. Whats the substrate?
Fine sand substrate. Definitely flicking not burrowing.
Im not entirly sure what you mean as to 'flicking'...Is it like when you catch a fish and take it out of water and it flaps about, but the eels doing it underwater?
Any external damage to the skin? Any potentially 'off' food that it could have eaten?
Flicking/flashing - like some fish do off rocks etc. No off food, that I know of, but def worth mentioning. Cheers
Hmmm, I dont have any other ideas, you may want to try some of the diesease threads in the tropical fish emergancies forum, or the newbie or beginner ones, it may have some suggestions on the pinned threads. The other thing you could do is trying a med like melafix, allthough Im not sure if itsw harmful if there isnt anything there to treat...
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll pass them on and see what happens.
i've seen such flicking before. it was due to irritants, substrate to be exact, on my eel. probably something irritates it. any visible growth on your eel?

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