Spilt Milk


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Well 4 pints of milk has just been split right by my fish tank. Now I don't want to use anything that's going to harm my fish so has anyone got any suggestions to what I could use? It's starting to smell already.

Please help me

Should have put that in my first post I guess. Onto carpet, not all of it thankfully but enough. I was thinking bleach but thought I was best coming here first.

i'd mop as much out with water as you can. bleach should be fine but keep the room well ventilated. if you are really concerned then put some cling film over the tank and tape it down to form a complete seal so no fumes can get in.
As long as you don't cry over it. Well SOMEBODY was going to say it................
If the milk is still wet, press down towels on it to soak as much as you can out, keep changing the towels. When you have a minimum residue left pour over water and do the towel thing again, do this over and over until when you pour on the water it stays clear and you can no longer see any milk. Then get the washing machine going to wash all the towels! :rolleyes:

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