Spike Is Changing Colour......


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
Merthyr Tydfil, S Wales
We have had Spike for approx 4 months now and he has always been a bit of a grumpy old git, but just lately he has been worse than usual. Then we decided to have a really good look at him and we found he has changed colour a bit, as shown here:-

Any ideas what might be causing this? He is on his own, in a temp of 27-28c and his water stats are all nil except for nitrate which starts off at nil after a water change and slowly crreps up to about 10ppm by the end of the week before his next water change.
He is slightly off his food, eating only half of usual (he is a fussy eater anyways) and is even by his low standards VERY inactive.
Normally his body colour is all over crimson but he is developing these whiter areas. He has had a dose of Myxacin with no effect. Any ideas people? Thanks
Hmmm, i dont know what could be the problem, i just thought sometimes fish do change colour as they go into adolescence, my betta gets growing white bits that change to his colour blue.
I've also had a goldfish turn from bright orange to pure white, but the goldfish is still fine and happy :).
The nitrate reallys houldnt go that high, i think you should be doing more water changes, maybe do them daily of 50% until you dont see any over and over again then you can start leaving it a week and it shouldnt go high.
Wait for someone else to come along, my advice may be incorrect, but its just what i think.
Nitrate levels are fine
That may be coulminaris, You need to catch it early for best treatment.

Try the emergency section they may be able to help you better but i suspect coulminaris.
please, BEFORE treating for anything make sure to the best of your knowledge that you knowwhat it is beforehand...could you better describe the patches? are they fluffy or fuzzy. any redness or streaking. is it raised. is it spreading? if so when did you notice this, and how fast is it spreading (as even coloration may spread rather quickly)...just to get a better understanding. from the looks of the pictures i would honestly say that it looks like normal change of coloration, which can occur rather dramatically. as the first dose of antibiotics hadnt done anything better to get a better understanding of whats going on with him.
Hi, the patches were first noticed yesterday evening. Spike had been miserable for a few days before this. The patches are not raised and not fluffy, they do not look like any sort of fungus. He does look a little worse today than he did yesterday as the "patches" are now on his face as well as his body. Thanks for your help.
hmmm. dies it look like his slime coat is thicker in those areas and it just makes his color appear more dull? just another thought. collumnaris is usually fuzzy in appearance, but not ruling it out as you noticed it yesterday and started around his dorsal area...that is typical...and then spread elsewhere.
when you say you gave him the first dose of antibiotic, do you mean the first day of treatment or the first ROUND? if only the first day, keep dosing per package instructions...they may be a bit confusing if using for the fisrt time, so if you need help ask. very important to finish the entire treatment, even if symptoms disappear.
best of luck
Yesterday was his first dose of the 5 day treatment, his next is due this evening (myxacin). The patches do not have anything unusual about them as such, ie no increased mucous, no fuzziness, no raised patches etc but they do give the impression of being dry and sore, but that is undetermined of course. Such radical changes in body colour are usual, but to happen so quickly? And for the fish's change in attitude/movement?
could he have burned himself on the heater? just another thought. keep medicating for the full 5 days since you already started.
I wouldn't have thought so, since he often rests on the heater anyways. It is strange because whatever this is is affecting his state of mind/well-being.

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