Spider webs


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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I've been cycling a 50 gallon with 7 zebra danios and a male betta for 3 weeks and everything seems fine.
I've noticed clear spider-web looking stuff attached to the sides of the tank. A couple of bigger blotches, but if you look close its everywhere 9very tiny though).
Its hard to see and take a picture of (tried for an hour).
The water around the tank is flowing and is fairly strong.
I searched on the forum for a similiar problem but nothing specific.

Any ideas? Some kinda algae or bacteria, or maybe a fungus?
The fish don't seem to care, and look okay.
:thumbs: I had that problem when cycling my 49 gallon tank. They look like tiny strings on the glass of the tank and on decorations. I just cleaned them off and they didn't harm any of my fish. :)
If it looks moldy, it could be rotted/rotting fish food that was never eaten. I would have a tendancy to wipe it away with a paper towel it it is at the top. That is probably not what you are experiencing though. Just thought I would throw in a possibility though.

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