spider lookin things

Salt Freak

Feb 29, 2004
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houston, texas
I have these spider looking things crawling all over my rock and glass and pumps and thingsthey just crawl around like a spider they are transparent and are about the size of a pen head I think they are hurting my corals. are they bristle would a six line help. They are to small to take a picture of.
Sounds like young mysis shrimp or some kind of pod. I wouldnt worry too much about them. A Six Line would help keep them in check.
It seems like they are hurting my corals as some of my polyps are turning white and one of my mushrooms stem has tightened up and tark blakish.
probably pods or mysis although it could be baby white brittlestars. all of them aare safe and wont harm your corals. without a picture its hard to make a more accurate ID. are you sure that the corals are not declining through some other reason?
I will try to take a picture of them. they are only 2mm in length the biggest ones. let me see if I can id them on the internet.
this is what they look like.

ya but my firefish doesn't seem interested I will probaly go and get a six line today to eat them up and when i get my sump going in the next week then they will brobaly be growing in there and going into the main tank.

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