Speedy Panaques


Apr 29, 2004
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Somewhere not far from Sheffield
Hey all, sorry i havent been around for a while but im back now so here i go again. In my break i've accquired a royal panaque pleco and he is now living in my african cichlid tank, (yes i know hes south American but so are a lot of pretty plecos). The thing is there are a lot of other plecos in there: A common hypostamus, starburst, clown and scarlet plecos all live there. But each one has its own spot and dosent move a lot, but the thing is that this panaque is constantly moving and its just soooo odd compared to these guysits unreal. is this normal panaque behavior? i mean its is it irritated or do they just move around a lot, if so i'll name him speedy....................
Young Royals are quite active, yes. As he matures he will become more reclusive during the day but still very active when the lights go out. It is perfectly normal behaviour, but he might end up upsetting your other plecs with his "restlessness".
Do royals like the the same water conditions as African cichlids? I'm asking only because I'm about to buy one for my 100 gallon and am now a little confused. I love the royals because they're so odd looking and will grow to be huge.
Hey cory, i think the question you need answer more than anything is: "Are my African Chichlids compatable with my panaque?" To be perfectly honest all my plecos are south american and are thriving in my African set up, but the major factor is that my alunacaras dont care about the plecos, although i do have a problem with my female yellow head harrassing them. Panaques seem well adapted as they graze a lot of algae, but care must be provided to give them some word to chew on.
Good point Oddball. I keep forgetting that most captive bred fish are reared in various water conditions other than that from which their ancestors might have been born to.

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