Species Only Tank


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire

I am currently cycling a 30g coldwater tank using two shubunkins (to be released into a pond afterwards :) ). Once this has finished my two black moors are going to be put in there with either a ranchu or a weather loach. This will mean that i have a 15g tank 'spare'. I'm guessing this would be too small for a marine tank (or is it -_- )so was thinking along the lines of a species only tank. The problem is i don't know what to stock it with :/
I already have a 30g tropical community tank which will have some discus when fully stocked so any other suggestions?
My marine tank is 10 gal. A 15 would be great, head over to nano-reef.com and check out all the 15 gal tanks.
:lol: Cheers impur, you have made me very happy as i thought it would be too small for a marine setup, although you have annoyed the missus as it means more trips to the LFS :crazy: :rofl:
:S Ermmm........ Maybe i'll stick to a tropical :/

Looks like a lot of kit to buy and make room for. As i only live in a flat, space is limited (my two 30g and the TV unit take up the whole of one wall) and the floor might not take the added weight of a sump, etc. :D

Don't want the lady in the flat below getting wet!
Don't want the lady in the flat below getting wet


You really don't need a kit. A marine tank does run about 3X the price of a FW. The light alone on my tank was $100. And the live rock and live sand will be about $75 or over $100 for quality stuff. It adds up but you can counter the costs by DIYing things and having the filters, powerheads, heater, etc already laying around from a previous tank.

Oh yah, you won't need a sump or skimmer either. Just something to move the water and quality LR - the LR does your filtering.
Saltwater tanks are alot of work AND money! If you are looking for color, exotic, and species only tanks, i would go for a cichlid tank. perhaps african, It would look great and twice as easy and cheaper than a marine tank! :D
I was once real keen on the idea of turning my 6 gallon Eclipse (which has since been given away) into a nano reef tank. After much reading i decided that it was with good reason that experienced reef keepers warn new keepers not to start with a nano, they are prone to instability as all small water volumes are, and are best left to people who are experienced, sort of a masterpiece if you think about it.

I think there are many less stressful things that you could do with a 15 gallon tank. A pair of rams with some dithers would be nice. Or maybe a tank devoted to cories, or to schoolers like harlequins or rummy noses, or the more laid back cardinals or Von Rio tetras, or maybe black neons. You could try shell dwellers perhaps, or apistos. Dwarf neon rainbowfish also make a spectacular species tank.
Hi Aquascaper
what are the dimensions of the 15 gal(uk or us?) in question? Is it a hex or rectangle or cylinder or other?

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