Species Mixing?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
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Isle of Man, UK
Ok so I am going to check the fish store in next town over tomorrow to see if they have any pandas to join my 2 I got today (all they had) but if they don't have any will they be happy with other cory species? They usually have very small albino and peppered at that store? Or do I wait? Xx
They would be ok as a temp measure, just so that the pandas have some sort of cory company, but its not ideal in the long term. Mixed shoals of corys never show their true gregarious habits, and will be more inclined to splinter off into species groups and do their own thing, rahter than sticking together like best of friends.
They may only come together at feeding times . They do not mix much , only Sterbai and Haraldschultzi seem to like each others company in any big way ..
Thanks guys, none of the fish shops I know of on the island have any pandas left and won't have any for a while, so I'm going to order online from direct tropicals :) xxx
Its the best way to go , keep them all the same for now and you can add another type at a later stage if you want .

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