Special plant fertilizers...


New Member
Jan 29, 2004
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Staines, England
I want to help my plants to grow but am a bit worried about adding those plant growing things! Don't they just add nitrates to the tank... the thing you're trying to get rid of so yoru fish won't die? Do i just need more fish? Are the trace elements important?

Any advice would be cool.

Thx all!
IMO the ferts are very important. You need the proper balance of light, co2, and fertilizer for really good plant growth. If these three things are not in balance the plants will not thrive. I've never had a problem with plant fertilizer harming any of my fish. They are designed to be used in planted fishtanks. You need to look for a brand with no phosphates or nitrates. They are pretty easy to find. The one I use is Flourish by Seachem. If you want to look into a really easy to use and inexpensive co2 system check out the Hagen natural plant system. The total cost is under $25.00. Check out this like to see how it works.
Yup, Moe's got it tagged there. Light and CO2 are more important then fertilisers, but if you are going to use one, get a nitrate/phosphate free one. Remeber also that some plants don't really absorb nutrient throught the leaves, but through their roots - for these plants, you'll want a tablet type fertiliser you can stick in the substrate.
Unless your plants are dying, they actually use up nitrate and phosphate, along with many other nutrients. So if you are running a high tech tank (high light, CO2 injection) your plants will benefit greatly if you are adding these macronutrients (NPK). My plants sucks down nitrate like you wouldn't believe. I had to add N every other day instead of every week. Trace elements are also very important. IMO, Flourish does a very good job of supplying those. However, Flourish is not the source for Macro-nutrients. If you want to add macros the cheap way, do a search for PMDD at thekrib.com. Otherwise, Seachem also makes products for Macro-nutrients.
If you decide to save some money and make your own PMDD, you can find all the stuff you need for that at gregwatson.com

Check that site and do some research on PMDD. If you have a high light tank with CO2, then you will be surprised how fast your Nitrates and Phosphates will disappear.. and to get a good growth and keep things in balance you would have to actually add Nitrates and Phosphates to your tank.. It might seem weird in the beginning to be adding white powder to your tank, but its needed by the plants and won't harm the fish :)

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