Special Needs Adoptions...a Question


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Hi all.

Well, I hd my first spawn with a genetic problem...they are nearly three months old now. All have a degree of spinal issue, but it does not impair their feeding, beauty or swimming. These fry are also missing most of their ventrals.

Now, I do usually give away ventral-less fry when they occur. But I am a little unsure of how to 'deal' with the spinal problem. I am not breeding their dad again, and would only offer these fry to people who agree not to breed them....but they are gorgeous turquoise HM fish.

I am thinking about a local ad (I do advertise my fish locally, already) and lisitng them on the web as special needs (I know other online breeders do the same). But I have dedicated myself to raising them up, and could not cull any that were happily healthy - and of course I cannot adopt them out in the regular fashion through breeders and petshops, due to the spine issue. OF course, they would be free.

They have the 'sagging tail' spine. I'll try to post you a pic, shortly. Their dad is the OHM from my avatar (he was 3 mos in the pic:) I never realised he had a very slight spine issue, figured it was his heavy finnage - not.

Most of this spawn are males, too.

Any advice appreciated. :wub:
I'm obviously no expert but I think its good that you are giving away these fish to good homes as long as they wont breed them. And I can't really figure out what your question is but if your question is what should u do to stop breeding problemed fish, i would go to a local pet store, find a healthy betta that u like and just condition it and breed that one and just retire your male that caused all the problems. But deffinately dont take my word for it cause I'm not a breeder. I'm just putting in my two cents.
Oh I want to see photos!!! I'd definitely like to adopt a few... I got new shelving for my tanks/rodent cages, and even a spare 10 gallon which I'll divide into three, and so I have quite a bit more room now. *dances* :D

Oh and kudos to you, you're a good momma. ;) :D
Thanks guys:0

I actually have at least 30 healthy breeders right now, so I am not short on them (I only buy from pure lines, to sell to breeders, so breeding petstore fish isn't an option for me). Currently I am focusing more on breeding CT's as its a new area for me...I'm thinking of doing some plakats this summer too.

I'm just wondering if others have ways to adopt out their needy ones, if they cull, what exactly they do. And if you have any idears. I have about 20 that are still unspoken for...the rest have homes waiting. Like I said, they basically swim like they have heavy fins:))

I am located in Canada, while I can fedex to the usa it costs about $20. for a box. less in canada.

They will be ready to go in a month I would say.

Thanks guys:0

I actually have at least 30 healthy breeders right now, so I am not short on them (I only buy from pure lines, to sell to breeders, so breeding petstore fish isn't an option for me). Currently I am focusing more on breeding CT's as its a new area for me...I'm thinking of doing some plakats this summer too.

I'm just wondering if others have ways to adopt out their needy ones, if they cull, what exactly they do. And if you have any idears. I have about 20 that are still unspoken for...the rest have homes waiting. Like I said, they basically swim like they have heavy fins:))

I am located in Canada, while I can fedex to the usa it costs about $20. for a box. less in canada.

They will be ready to go in a month I would say.


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I personally don't cull any fish, I always give them a chance. I have adopted out fish on my site free with a purchase.

Many of these can live good lives but obviously I always say that they must not be bred as you never know what can get passed on.

Good luck finding them good homes :D
Good for you on adopting instead of culling! I know of many breeders who have immense sucess posting adoptions here and on other forums. If it wasn't for the fact that I was just burned very badly by a breeder who was supposed to send two special-needs fish, I'd be clammoring to adopt. Unfortunately, because of her, my sanctuary's policy will for now on be that anyone surrendering fish must be within driving distance for me, or must be willing to pay for the express shipping themselves. :/
Anyways, if you need links to some great betta forums where you can post your guys for adoption, please do PM me! I know a lot of wonderful betta owners who would love to get their hands on your special needs fishies.
Actually I might want to get one from you. I'm getting a tank set up for a betta and you sound like your legit and you know what your talking about. And I believe all fish deserve a chance to live healthy happy lives. I would love to see some pictures of your little guys. Nothing is definate though because I'm a little on the "money is low" side because I'm only thirteen but nonetheless I love fish and would readily adopt a fish if i have the money and space. :good:
I'm interested also. How many could you ship to London Ontario in a box? I could take up two or three, but it would depend on the cost. They'd be my first HM fish and I've been wanting this type forever! So, how much do you think it'd cost to send two or three to me in Southern Ontario?


Just be careful if you give them away locally (i.e., the ones you don't have to ship). Paying for shipping costs usually will deter anyone trying to acquire "free" bettas for fighting purposes, or to feed to bigger fish (yes, some people do). Giving them away locally as "pick up" you'd run more of a risk since you wouldn't know who these people are or what they intend to do--a lot of people will swear they won't breed them but since they do carry HM genes....
Thanks guys:0

I actually have at least 30 healthy breeders right now, so I am not short on them (I only buy from pure lines, to sell to breeders, so breeding petstore fish isn't an option for me). Currently I am focusing more on breeding CT's as its a new area for me...I'm thinking of doing some plakats this summer too.

I'm just wondering if others have ways to adopt out their needy ones, if they cull, what exactly they do. And if you have any idears. I have about 20 that are still unspoken for...the rest have homes waiting. Like I said, they basically swim like they have heavy fins:))

I am located in Canada, while I can fedex to the usa it costs about $20. for a box. less in canada.

They will be ready to go in a month I would say.

Thanks guys:0

I actually have at least 30 healthy breeders right now, so I am not short on them (I only buy from pure lines, to sell to breeders, so breeding petstore fish isn't an option for me). Currently I am focusing more on breeding CT's as its a new area for me...I'm thinking of doing some plakats this summer too.

I'm just wondering if others have ways to adopt out their needy ones, if they cull, what exactly they do. And if you have any idears. I have about 20 that are still unspoken for...the rest have homes waiting. Like I said, they basically swim like they have heavy fins:))

I am located in Canada, while I can fedex to the usa it costs about $20. for a box. less in canada.

They will be ready to go in a month I would say.
I'd be willing to take a fishy, i love bettas, and am so new probably couldn't tell the difference between one with a spinal problem and one without. I also live in Canada, where abouts do u live? I am in Ottawa, so if your close shipping wouldn't be that bad.
a lot of people will swear they won't breed them but since they do carry HM genes....
But they also have bent spines... breeding that into your lines with the potential of it being genetic would be silly.

In my first spawn I had some without ventrals and some with weird gill plates, and I didn't have a problem unloading them all on members here :). I'd say just post an adoption thread and that ought to do the trick.... join up on some other betta forums if members here can't take them all. I've spotted about 3-5 fish with bent spines in my current spawn, and I don't want to cull, so I guess I'll have to adopt those out too. Mine are different though... grosser :lol:. Their spines go down right after the body cavity, then curve immediately back up, so the tail is in about the right place, it's just a big dint in the middle.
Hi Guys, I appreciate all your replies. I am confident in giving them away to 'approved homes', hehe. You take risks with all sales of bettas, of course.

I am in BC, I can ship Fedex overnight, or priority or two day to anywhere, its pretty affordable. A box of up to four is my smallest box with heatpack:) If you send me your code I can give you an exact quote of just actual cost. I'd think another month would do them good to stay home, but they need to be homed then since I need the space for my other growouts.

BTW that one pic I posted, the blurry one, shows how they are....I'll try to get a nicer pic for you when I get my own cam back. There is only one with a real 'kink'.

BTW they come from tim arndt's lines in ontario:) Not that it matters since they are not for breeding, but it makes em special perty, I think
Just be careful if you give them away locally (i.e., the ones you don't have to ship). Paying for shipping costs usually will deter anyone trying to acquire "free" bettas for fighting purposes, or to feed to bigger fish (yes, some people do). Giving them away locally as "pick up" you'd run more of a risk since you wouldn't know who these people are or what they intend to do--a lot of people will swear they won't breed them but since they do carry HM genes....
1: people who fight bettas are not bad people right now im looking into it yes some people do cull there bettas if theve been hurt in battle but 90% will take care of them and heal them with meds and stuff

2: fighting bettas generally have shorter tails and hms would not be very good

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