Speaking Of Morals

Crazy fishes

Fish Addict
Jan 21, 2008
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Is it wrong to experiment with someone else's fish to see if the local sea water is safe :shifty: ?

Is it wrong to experiment with someone else's fish to see if the local sea water is safe ?

I'd say you betcha, considering the cost of things on this side of the fence.
Do it with your own if your so keen to find out and not with someone else's....I presume you'll be seeking permission from the person who owns the tank/fish
It was just a question to investigate the moral integrity of present day fish keepers.

Many thanks

It was just a question to investigate the moral integrity of present day fish keepers.
Taken as such and I didn't mean to sound so harsh, please forgive me.
Seawater will be fine as long as you clean it up someway or other, the normal tests that you do for you tank will most probably fall within the norms except for the temperature of course. What I would be wary of is polutants, so the water would have to be cleaned up somewhat before using, either by filtration, UV or a combination of both. Just to be on the safe side, as only one coral has to die and you could nuke the whole tank which could turn out very expensive. I live only 15 miles from the sea and have thought about doing this long and hard, I would have to make a once a fortnight trip, collect the seawater and clean it up. seems just too labourious to me, so I would rather mix the synthetic salt with RO. This ofcourse is my own personal opinion and does not reflect what other aquarist would do given the close proximity of an abundance of source water.
Hey Big C,

Comments were not taken to be 'too harsh' I was interested and you answered simply as that. I have been thinking about the sea water for a while and as you may know from previous threads I am looking after a humbug damsel for someone at the present time. Well actually I was looking after a electric blue hermit, flame scallop and the fish but the previous two have been overwhelmed by the hardships of their existence i.e have died. However the fish remains and is responding beautifully to my morning ritual of feeding the fish. He feeds directly from a syringe and is eating a little less than both my clown fish combined :hyper:. You have to be happy with that. The people who own this live stock have put the poor little guy through hell. They managed to crash a tank which was previously runnning fine and have in the process killed numerous tank inhabitants then to keep the three above mentioned survivors in a bin with no filter, pumps for water movement or heater for x amount of weeks. I can understand people have to learn and accidents happen with aquaria. We both know how easy it is to kill tank inhabinants and how difficult it can be to get water chemistry balanced. What I don't understand is how they can be so blase (that e has an accent) about the whole thing. You need to take responsibility for the livestock you keep and ensure that you are aware of their full needs and requirements. They didn't even know that salt water needs to be with a range for the S.G and were taking no notice of the testing that needs to be done until you know your aquariums idiosyncrascies. This fish survived all that and is now thriving in a 4g tank. What an incredibly resilient fish and hence a the perfect candidate for testing sea water. My initial ideas were to splice sea water with artificial sea water with increasing increments over a number of water changes until the fish showed signs of possible problems ahead or 100% sea water was used. However I have come to respect this little fish enormously and think he deserves not to be harassed by my experiments. Amen.

Best wishes

Given in that context, then I'd say go for it CF.
Lets know your findings.

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