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Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2006
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I Live in The U.S.A!!!
Betta’s In The World
The worlds present bettas and much more!!

The Present Betta Is Kept In Horrible conditions in pet store like being kept in 1 cup and ¼ that is not a lot. Many breeders think That Is Animal cruelty. I myself feel that is very sad and unfortunate.
There Are Many tail types Halfmoon or HM Plakat or PK and Crowntail or CT and Veiltail Or VT and doubletail or DT.There are also a large amount of styles like the black halfmoon with blue lacing very beautiful and elegant. Their Pricing Is Around 45.00 Dollars with shipping.
Many People think that a betta would be perfect too have for their young Childs first fish. This might cause the fish death if the child thinks he/or her can stick there hands in the betta’s living enovment they are wrong the chemicals in your hands will kill Your betta and when your child does kill the betta do you feel the slightest bad?? I would hope so. Many people think well the fish must have been sick it wasn’t it was you getting the poor betta involved in such a horrible life like that.
Your Betta’s Living envorment should never be smaller then 5 gallons here’s something too think about 5 cups of water is not a fish tank get some flowers It’s a vase! The Ammonia level in a VASE! Smaller then 1 gallon will go up quickly so be careful and don’t get stuck with a vase! Your betta will live longer and be happier I would know I have a 10 gallon for my betta’s If you can do constant water changes get a small aquarium like 1 gallon if you can dedicate your time too doing so.
Pet store betta’s are usually fakers betas they are veil tails not worth that much but can be a fun family pet if you give it enough time and space it could be a great hobby for the hobbyist Half moons are some of the most complicated ones they get fin rot easily so not a Childs best friend and crown tail is a tail ripper there tails will rip very easily so don’t be nippy your self! I Hope This Helps all you new too the hobby Thanks

Froggy with words used by smuffy and Cracker and synirr Thanks Guys!!

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