Fish Fanatic
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I've had never ending problems in my attempt to spawn Amphitrite and Pandora. Amphi jumped out of the net when I took him out of the tank, Thank god he landed on a papertowel and no harm was done. The heater seems to have a dead thermomter or somting because it is way off so I have to put it at like 86 farenheit to get 80(despite the fact it was expensive and can work facing any directoin and fully submerged) .I let them see each other though a specimen container all day in the breeding tank. Atfirst he did good, frantically swimming to her flaring and then going to blow his bubble nest. He blew was blowing the bubble nest in the wrong place, rather than under the styroform cup he blew it under a fake flower on one of the plants in the tank which the bubbles just rolled off and popped. I added more places in different ways for him to blow the nest and he chose the blottom of the cup that i floated. He just wouldn't build a decent bubble nest, it really sucked and then he seemed to loose interest in the nest and just flared at the female and floated around flared, floated, etc. Well, this may have been stupid, but I decided to release the female just for a momment to see if maybe it make him realize it's the real thing, he isn't just seeing another girl in another tank he would never get too. Her barring went darker than I've ever seen it and she started following him around and he ran from her I put her back in the cointainer and he was a bubblenesting machine for awhile but the nest still looked small and unsuitable so i realsed her again ad this time he chased her a bit and they both acted as if they were ready to breed so I took her out since his nest was still crappy and he starte blowing bubbles again but it still didn't seem to do much good, so I decided to just try and let them breed. (btw, I know amphi can blow a decent nest because I watched him the day before blow a good one in her tank.) They did everything right though Pandora got a nip and it tore her anal fin but it didbn't seem to faze her. She followed him to the nest as he was trying to get her to do and she stayed still, probably waiting for hir to wrap and he bit her! and the process went over and over last night with no good results. During the time Pamdora never lost her dark breeding stripes. I don't know what to do, none of my other males have bubble nests to steal to ger him started or anything. I was thinking of running out and geting some blackwater extract at a local pet store this morining, would that help?