Spawning Tips


Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Rochester, MI
Ok so now that I have my 6 corys in the 10 gallon and they have it to themselves, I want to start spawning since I have the 5 gallon that is still open too...just looking for tips since my other fish are livebearers, and when you throw in a male platy you just have to wait 5 secs for him to find a female before she is pregnant...anyway, I've heard you lower temperature and condition them on special food for like a week...i have frozen brine shrimp, and some other type of shrimp too...would that work? any other ideas I should no about?


I would condition them for a week on frozen blooworms. Then after a week, turn off the heater for one night and see if there are some eggs in the morning.
I read somewere that by adding some ice cubes that simulates rain water and is surposed to spark them into sporning, i have never tryed this myself but maybe it will work. I don't know how many cubes to add it's just something i read on the net and in a book once.
You could also do a water change with cooler water over like a time period of 2 hours, ive heard that works too.

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