Hello Everyone! I'm new to this forum...well actually I have visited it a lot to learn about bettas and spawning them. Not to sound like a stalker...but, I have enjoyed reading your posts and learning about my favorite fish. Currently, I have 13 bettas and I'm always on the look out for more everytime I get close to a petstore or visit Aquabid online. 
I am in the process of getting a spawning tank set up. I think that I am finally ready to give breeding bettas a try. Over the last year, I have been reading and researching everything about I could get my hands on that was about spawning bettas. Although I have spent a lot of time researching, I am still a little nervous.
Ok, here's my question. I am planning to use a small bubble filter with carbon in the spawning tank. I am wondering how long I should cycle the tank before placing my fish in the tank?

I am in the process of getting a spawning tank set up. I think that I am finally ready to give breeding bettas a try. Over the last year, I have been reading and researching everything about I could get my hands on that was about spawning bettas. Although I have spent a lot of time researching, I am still a little nervous.
Ok, here's my question. I am planning to use a small bubble filter with carbon in the spawning tank. I am wondering how long I should cycle the tank before placing my fish in the tank?