Spawning Tank??


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
:hey: heya. Just seeking advice from all of you uber-genius experienced spawners out there!! I'm setting up my spawning tank and conditioning my breeders now, I would *really* appreciate any extra advice anyone has!

I have everything except for a sponge filter and plants. I haven't gotten the sponge filter, because MANY people have told me that all that's really needed in a spawn tank is a bubbler. Any tips about this, I'm completely inexperienced and undecided :S? The tank is 10 gallons, 3/4 full. I'll be doing daily (CAREFUL) water changes through out the process, and the babies will be moving a couple weeks after they start free-swimming.

I'd also LOVE any tips on what plants to buy. I'll probably be getting them tomorrow... I'm thinking about 10 Java Ferns, a bunch of Java Moss and a large bunch of Cacomba. Has anyone had good spawning experiences with Water Sprite or Green Hedge? There will be no filter light, just a lamp and/or ceiling light.
The sponge filter is up to you... if you're doing large daily water changes you don't need it, but it can't really hurt either. The plants you mentioned sound like excellent choices for a low-light setup. :nod:
You don't need a filter, but it will cut down on the work u hav to do. :p

thanks for the advice, you guys :*!

I think I'll just save the sponge filters for the grow-outs... I will definitely keep everyone updated on the spawn progress!!

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