Spawning- Size Difference


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Just a quick Q RE male/female size differences in pairs.

1. I know males should be bigger than females, how much so? I read something like the males body should be 10% bigger, but what do you think?

2. Relating to that, lets say I have a 1.25" female. Would a male about the same size refuse to attempt to spawn with her?
Most of my spawns are equal sizes. I did once spawn a small male to a larger female and it worked after a few hours of him trying to arrange himself:)

I haven't really ever experienced a male 'refusing' the female, but I had a new spawner not really know what to do, until I replaced the female with another.
My boys are girls are about the same size... just had a nice successful spawn with a red DT BF and ST red female... she was about the same size. I have a HUGE red female with awesome finnage I am going to try with him next. Hopefully he's a pro by now... I will post the results when I try them out. :)
The only real problem with the male being smaller is that they usually have trouble wrapping with the female... a male isn't going to refuse a female just because she's big, or vice versa. Just as long as the male isn't noticeably smaller they shouldn't have too much trouble, spawning pairs of equal size is fine :)
The only real problem with the male being smaller is that they usually have trouble wrapping with the female... a male isn't going to refuse a female just because she's big, or vice versa. Just as long as the male isn't noticeably smaller they shouldn't have too much trouble, spawning pairs of equal size is fine :)

Ty everyone :good: Just wondering really, all my males seem to still be pretty mini, while the girl has grown a bit. None of the males are at all interesed in anything other than 'let's rip that hawt chick to shreds', which isn't overly helpful, and I just wondered if they didn't want to spawn due to similar sizing.

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