spawning question


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi, just a quickie question becuase i'm having trouble telling if my bettas are just about to spawn or fi i'm just being hopeful about it :unsure:

it's been about 24 hours, i have put a lot of bubbles under the cup (since the male wasnt' building it), there's a lovely ubbblenest build, the female has been released and she look spretty plump. Male is just chasing her around, but i notice that when he flares at her she doesnt' usually run way, just goes in a heads down position. I believe that is a sign of submission towards the male right? anyways, he'll usually then chase her away some more.

so, tell me what you think :p
thats normal but it just means the female's ready and willing to spawn and the male wants to wait a lil wee bit longer! =)
cutecotton said:
hi, just a quickie question becuase i'm having trouble telling if my bettas are just about to spawn or fi i'm just being hopeful about it :unsure:

it's been about 24 hours, i have put a lot of bubbles under the cup (since the male wasnt' building it), there's a lovely ubbblenest build, the female has been released and she look spretty plump. Male is just chasing her around, but i notice that when he flares at her she doesnt' usually run way, just goes in a heads down position. I believe that is a sign of submission towards the male right? anyways, he'll usually then chase her away some more.

so, tell me what you think :p
yes she is submitting and the male will start to wag his body at her when he is ready for the embrace , sounds like she is ready. He is probably nor sure the nest is built or whatever since you said he didnt build it LOL....anyways good luck.
that's good, i released her about...5 hours ago? she's not hurt in any way, the male is just flaring and chasing at her. And since he was too lazy to build a nest i did it for him :rolleyes:

So far she won't run away unless he tries to nip her, then sh'ell get her litlte but outta there faster than the speed of light :p
i'm breeding a blue/red ct wtih a blue/red ct

as for the spawn...I NEED PATIENCE! *paints the word patience on her forehead* the fmeale is just checking out the nest from time to time, the male is chasing her away..but not wroking on the nest :rolleyes: he figures that he can just get away with pretending to look busy becuase the nest is already built for him :lol:
lol i dont' even have eggs yet! :lol: but IF i do manage to raise these fry to adults (i'll have two batches IF this spawn works, lets not jinx it :rolleyes:) i'll probably be selling them for very cheap on TFF (becuase i love everyone here...nah just kdiding just cuz i learend a lot here), so if anyone's really intersted in the fry...kkkkkk

bah! lets not talk about this yet lol i only got about 50 newborns, 7 six weeks old babies and a pair that wont' even give me eggs! :p

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