Spawning Problem


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
:S We have a nest, we have a willing female, a nice willing male. They embrace, he has problems getting her in the embrace but they do get together properly every now and then. The problem is... that when they do... no eggs are expelled. This is the second attempt. I aborted the first attempt because they had the same problem. I released her back in the girlie tank for a few days. Reconditioned him. She blew up even bigger with eggs.... now again this problem. She is huge...
She dropped about 6 eggs the first try, but so far nothing yet. I don't know if it's her or if it's the male not properly embracing her.

She's one of my little ones...
Mini had the same problem at first, but eventually things got into swing :)
Yep. I had the exact same issue during spawning, I actually posted it here. I gave them a few hours and they got the hang of it! Maybe just try leaving them in there? As long as she (or HE) isn't getting ripped to shreds, it can sometimes take a few days for them to embrace successfully, especially if they're little. ;)
Well I put her in again without any luck. I then changed males and it really got funny. She would let him embrace her and then shoot right out of the loop leaving him floating gracefully to the bottom. They eventually got the hang of things but then he didn't bother to pick up the eggs that were falling to the bottom so she had a snack.

He's keeping a very loose nest and I really don't expect much from this spawn. I looked in this morning and you can see some movement and one baby fell out of the nest but got himself back into it. He's currently half attending it. Once I see more babies then I might pull him. I think he'll eat them when they get free swimming based on his lack of interest.
Well apparently he was good enough to grab a few of the eggs. I've counted about 10 fry. One thing I noticed... these are extremely small fry. I would think about half the size of the last fry. I am beginning to wonder just how many will make it.

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