Hey all. Ok I guess I have really bad luck when it come to breeding corys. I can breed angelfish and bettas but now ALBINO CORYS, and I always read they are so easy to breed. Well first I tried with 8 in a 29 gallon, then 3 in a 10 gallon. What am I doing wrong. I am attempting to try again since it is summer, and I have a lot of time on my hands to devote to them spawning. Here is what my set up is going to be, or things I already have. I have a ten gallon tank with larger rocks/pebbles on the bottom, filter, airstones for when I stick the eggs in the net breeders, I have a really big plastic plant that I used to have in a 25 gallon, that I am going to cut so I can have a few smaller little plants so if the corys want to lay eggs on them. How many corys should I get? Should I put anything else in there?