Spawn Problem!


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
:X well, so far the spawn is actually going pretty smoothly... Kula has a few nips, she's acting perfect, he's being nice to her, they both seem happy ~ however, there are NO eggs coming out! I've seen them embrace several times, with no eggs dropping. Kula goes to the bottom and sniffs around for eggs, but she never finds any, and Maui doesn't even bother going to the bottom.

My question is ~ when is it hopeless? She is FULL of eggs, I can tell. There is an egg half-way out of her eggspot. I dont know if it's stuck in there, or he just isn't squeezing right :rolleyes:! She does go into the paralyzed state for a few seconds afterwards, and he's being VERY nice to her about it all. The nest is enormous, it's now covering the entire huge IAL and it's spread out over 1" around the sides of it... I just wish they had some eggs to put in it -_-
Well..I dont know what to say about the egg half way out....BUT I can say that when I saw Isis and Dawna spawn the first couple min. after quite a few embraces no eggs were dropping...then slowly a few came out...I think they just sometimes need some practice runs!? It took them a good 20min. before eggs were dropping...and even then there were only 3 or 4 but as the time went by more dropped and they got the hang of it...hope that helps?! Good luck.... :)
thanks :) hopefully they do just need a few practice runs!! I was worried about Kula's size, too, her body is at least the same as Maui's.. she's a big girl!

Their first embrace (I presume, because I actually did sleep a few hours) was at about 8 am, they only did it twice and she wasn't even paralyzed, she just wiggled around. Then they started again at around 11... he's actually gotten to the point where he can get her to "float" for a few seconds, so maybe he's getting the hang of it. :rolleyes: It is sooo my luck to get a Betta that can't squeeze...

edit:: I spoke too soon! :lol: Now she's dropping 20-30 eggs each time, and they've done it TONS of times. TONS! I think they must've done it at least 30 times :blink:

Thanks Lady, you made me feel a lot better! And you're right, of course!
Good luck and we want some pics of the moma and papa and maybe some pics of the papa and mama picking eggs up to put in the nest. :hey: Then we would like some pics of the new borns PLEASE! LOL :fish: :kewlpics:

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