Spawn Diary - Bowzer X Mimi


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
You may remember Bowzer being the yellow multicolour Veiltail... but i love him anyway :p and also Mimi is my new light blue multi marble HM. I put them in the same tank today (in seperate containers) and bowzer is doing his usual flare and dance and mimi is barring up nicely. He has a bit of polystrene in there to build his bubblenest under. Here are 3 pics fo the tanks. you can also see mimi and bowzer in one of them.



female was in for 7 minutes when she made a run behind the chimney bit so i placed her back in chimney
ill try again later, hopefully some magic will happen :)

I hope you don't mind me giving advice ;)...

That large tupperware inside of the spawning tank looks a bit large, and when you remove it the current will probably mess up the bubblenest. IMHO, you should use a smaller cup, or just place that tupperware next to the tank. You also NEED to add a bunch of live plants (water sprite and java ferns are perfect!) or a big, bushy silk/plastic plant for her to hide in, it's perfectly natural for her to want a place to hide while he works on the nest, it'll also prevent him injuring her. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I also don't see a heater or a bubbler in there. Unless your home is at a constant temperature of 78-80*, you need a heater!

Good luck :nod: I personally would've just gotten a HM boy, but it's up to you!
Hey splashluff... i know exactly what you mean. i did have a HM boy but he died on me yesterday from fin rot :angry: and it kinda threw it back. Anyway that container is about 10cm long and there was no bubblenest in there when i removed it so that was ok, ive added a big bunch of PLASTIC plants but these are the bushy sort and i have cut them up and they go about 2 inches deep into the water, BUT... i have an infusoria culture starting so i can add that when i need to to the tank. I also have a microworm culture and live daphnia, brine shrimp and bloodworm all available at my lfs. The tank is at a constant 22oC and i think that is hot enough for them...
22 is low for a spawn temp. it should be ALOT higher.

22 is 72f, it should be 80-82 f for a spawn.
you can use a cut up pop bottle as a hurricane lamp chimney thing. I was going to ask you if you had a heater but I dont like to assume b/c when you assume you make an ass out of you and me :blush: . lol just something my math teacher taught me. But anyways I hope you can fix things in time to continue your spawn
The temp is raising and the air is humid with a tight fitting lid with a small 1cm square and a towel is covering it...

WE HAVE A BUBBLENEST NOW! bowzers bin busy. But i's not like his normal bubblenest, this is only a small one compared to his other one. I was told that that temperature would be fine :S never mind... my next spawn will be in my "Fish Room" and that will have a heater in there to heat the whole room up.

Good luck! Honestly, it's best to invest in a tank heater... for about $10. Not so much for the male and female, but for the newborn fry. They can all die out in minutes if the water is too cold or the temp fluctuates. My friend Christine had a huge tank-full of week-old fry and ALL of them died when the power went out and the temp dropped a few degrees :X
Yeah, with help and advice from will tang (willtang3000) i put in an old heater, but i have to be careful as the spawn tank is plastic :)

As long as the heater doesnt actually come into contact with the plastic things should be fine! I have a heater in my 2 gal plastic hex tank and all has been fine for the last 4 months!

Good luck on the spawning!
Hmmm... no luck on the spawning :lol: the male ate all the eggs... :(

Got a new spawn going. wont post until free swimming :p


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