Spartacus Needs Help! A.s.a.p!


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
It's my fault, it's all my fault! His fin rot was worse when we came back from vacation, but his tank was finally starting to cycle. I heard Maracyn and Maracyn 2 are a good combo to use, so I used some. I also added 1 tablespoon of salt to his 5 gallon tank. I noticed the Maracyn contains the same ingredient as another API product, and you can use Melafix with all API products, so I used some of that too, and then added Pimafix because it said for a tip, to use it with the Melafix.

Now Spartacus has eyes that are blood red. I did an emergency 75-80% water change and put fresh carbon back in the tank. Is it too late to help him though? I'm afraid of internal bleeding. I should have known better. Stupid me!! Is there anything I can do? The only other thing I can think of is perform a 100% water change. Did I cause permanent damage? :-( :-( :-(
Carbon will get rid of the medication in the water so if you are using medications remove the carbon... I will leave the rest of the advice to more experienced members with better knowledge on disease treatment but Good Luck
Ok, thanks. I hope someone will get back to me soon! I'm trying desperately to find articles about med poisoning or blood filled eyes but I can't find anything! I called Drs Foster and Smith but all their fish techs are gone for the night. :(
Yes there always a risk with over doses of meds that you can cause damage.
Water change and black carbon.
Good luck.

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