Sparkling Gourami Or Red Scarlet Indian Badis

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2013
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ok so my final stokcing for my 70 litre heavily planted medium tech tank is 
12 x ember tetra 
12 x celestial pearl danio
8 x hara jerdoni 
10 x thai micro crabs 
and either a sparkling gourami or red scarlet indian badis (i can alter the water parameters to whatever is required) 
jsut asking for personall opinions on which would be better. at the moment im leaning towards sparkling gourami but i cant make my mind up to be honest thank you for any advice and recommendations
70L is not that big of a tank, and I would say that with your current stocking your right on the limit if not over on the current stocking, even though your current species are all small, they all still need plenty of room to get around in and ember tetras and celestial pearl danios are going to be pretty active.
If you did get Sparkling gouramis (ideally a trio of one male and two females) they may not be able to compete foodwise against the faster tetras and danios.
A fish that may fit better with your current tetras and danios could be Crossbanded Danios Celestichthys erthromicron these are a shoaling rather than schooling fish but should be active enough to be able to compete with the other small species for food.
I agree.  Not only from a purely fish bioload aspect, but from the temperaments and needs of the individual species mentioned, I would not include either Dario dario (scarlet badis) or Trichopsis pumila (pygmy sparkling gourami).

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