Sparkling Gourami Ate My Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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Brought home a couple sparkling gouramis a few weeks ago and now it appears they have eaten one of my cherry shrimp. I don;t know for sure since I didn't see it happen, but one of the shrimp is definately gone. I noticed today one of the gouramis quickly dart out and attack a ghost srhimp causing it to swim in circles and roll around (poor guy). Anybody have any experience with this? These fish are so tiny I didn't think they were capable of this. I don't really care that much since I prefer my fish over my shrimp, but I thought this was odd for sparkling gouramis.

The tank is a 5.5 gallon heavily planted tank with a few cories and shrimp as well.
I have amano shrimp in with my sparklers and have to say they don't attack any of them. It is a bit unusual I think. Do they have a bubble nest anywhere in the tank maybe and are being protective of it?
no real bubblenest, but there are some bubbles around the floating plants but I htink they are just collecting there. I can't find another shrimp today, and the other one is hiding and didn't come out during feeding. I hope they just happen to all be molting at the same time. The ghost shrimp survived though :p

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