Spare Tank

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
i need help stocking my 6 footer atm ive got a JD bout 4 cm red tail shark bout a finger long and a silver shark just a bit bigger than a finger. my Oscar died dismorning so i need help replacing him with a few. so any good colourful fish thanks dont mind any other cichlids. get back to me asap bfor i go to the fish aquariums.
Another Silver Shark or two! They are a shoaling species and shouldn really be kept on their own :( They look gorgeous when they are all swimming and shoaling together!
I find juvi Oscars are quite sensetive.

How about some Severums?
How long was the tank set up? How long have you had the fish in the tank? Do you test your water for ammonia, nitrIte etc? Oscars dont tend to just die off for no apparent reason, judging by the size you say your fish are, leads me to believe this is a newly set up tank and so doesnt have a sufficient bacteria yet to cope with the bio load. You need to work out why your fish died, before adding more.

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