Spare Tank Is It Suitable?

Too Fast

Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2010
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I was at my LFS a few days ago and I said to the guy that my next tank will be a 500+L Mbuna set up. He suggested that I could use my spare 135L tank that I have now. From what little I've read I believe this is far too small. Am I right in saying that?

He suggested that as long as I fully stocked it, by which he said "put loads in" then it would be ok.
I believe it is too small, the recommended size was a 4 foot tank if I remember correctly. Although by stocking heavy it reduces aggression, the small tank space does not leave much room for them to hide. I understand he may have meant as a grow out tank as such, but with the africans I would do it right first time. It is quite a lot of money to set up, so if they kill each other due to lack of space it would be a waste!

Taken from a websit I found.

The easiest way to keep mbuna’s natural aggression from resulting in death is to keep the fish crowded. Having only a small number of mbuna in a tank always result in the death of the least-dominate fish. So never have less than six fish of any one species, use a tank of at least 200 liters size, and double the usual stocking limit of your aquarium. To compensate for the crowding you have to have very heavy biological filtration, provide lots of water movement, and change a lot of water. A 50% water change twice a week is barely adequate.
Yeah thought that was the case. I don't have room for a bigger tank as I already have a 180L in the lounge so putting a 2nd bigger tank in would take up too much room.

Oh well, guess I've got to wait 2-3years until we move house.
My brother-in-law has 2 tanks,the smaller being around 125l and he has it stocked with Mbuna with great success.

As has been said, that size is below what is generally reccomended but with a little thought it can work. My brother-in-laws is thriving. No real aggression problems, healthy fish and readily breeding.

What about a Tanganyikan setup? There are some great species which would be ideal for that size tank.
im sure you can get some malawi shell dwellers that get to about 3 " otherwise way to small

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