How could I use the capacity of a spare tank(90l) as a sump for my Juwel(180l)? The Juwel sits on a table 30" (76cms) off the floor and the spare tank would fit underneath the table (clear space 24"high) I could get an external filter with an integral heater to sit also under the table then I could remove the internal filter from the Juwel. At this point I can't see how to include the spare tank in the water loop. Any ideas gratefully considered.
That should fill you in on how a sump works .Give it a good read through, it's very useful
Ok, first of let me get this right, you want to use an external filter and a sump on your tank?If thats the case is it really worth building a sump?You willl have to drill a drain with a diamond glass drill bit in the side of the tank, attach an overflow around it with teeth, to stop fish getting sucked in.Then outside of the tank (round the back) there would be a durso pipe, this drains the water into the sump without making much noise.You would also have to create a design for the sump, and decide if you want a trickle tower.Which is a glass box (basically) which holds filter media (usually bio balls) and the water from the main tank trickles down it, through the media and into the sump.Creating a very effective filter.My 270gallon thread (in my sig) might help you out a bit