
Sasha the breen

Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2004
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Hassocks West Sussex England
I have a 20 gallon(uk) tank or 80cmx35cmx35 but i have 6 platys 6 neon tetras and 2 gouramis.I am considering on buying a pair (male and female)kribensis and i was wondering will it be enough space? for them in my tank.
If you hope to have a breeding pair of them in the tank then I think it is too crowded, they can get quite territorial, and you need to assume that a decent portion of the tank will be 'out of bounds' for the other fish once they do spawn.
You can try it and keep a close eye on the tank. Once they start spawning you may or may not have to remove some of the fish.

Keep in mind that these dwarf riverine cichlids also like very clean water to show the best color and spawn readily, so more tankmates means that you'll want to do more water changes to keep it this way. Weekly water changes would be ideal.

You definetly want to give them there territory near the plants, too much open space can make these guys pretty nervous.
I agree with thecichlidaddict, definately keep a close eye if (when :) ) they breed.

Mine are in a 75g and I still had to remove a few fish, gradually as the fry get older they see more and more tankmates as a threat....

I would have thought the gouramis would be a likely target as they might se them as the biggest (literally) threat. Mine target bottom feeders first, then the largest fish in the tank, and seem to leave schooling tetras alone as they keep out of their way anyway.

They also may not spawn in the pot you put in. I put two pots in my 75g at each end to try and have them a bit more isolated, but they dug a pit beneath bogwood right in the middle and raise them there instead! :rolleyes:


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