nooooo ...........i mean the growout tank size!!!!!!!!!!!! ive read the pinned topic millions of times!!!!!!!!!!! :grr:

just wanted other peoples opinions!!! ok???? :D
Depends on the size of the spawn and how many tanks you're willing to maintain. I've heard of numerous breeders using two or more 10-20 gallon tanks, dividing their fry up approximately equally among the different tanks. If the spawn is small enough, they can sometimes even be raised in the 10 gallon tank they were conceived and hatched in.

And then there are some people who use larger tanks, preferring to keep their larger spawns in one location. Even tanks as large as or larger than 120 gallons have been used. Just depends on what the breeder has on hand and decides to use.
It`d be better if you didn`t always put CAP the way read the important stuff labeled BREEDING at the top
Here's an idea:

Use Google, Yahoo, Hotbot, Altavista etc etc etc and FIRST do research on breeding bettas. I mean, cover everything your heart desires to ask questions on. Make a list of questions and then find information that can answer those questions. When you've finished that and you have any doubts, questions, comments, concerns, opinions, ask away here. But don't go to one site and then claim you've researched. Really research, print things out, makes charts, cross reference sources, compare, contrast. Then ask.

Breeding any type of anything isn't like having some one else do your research, your homework your paper and then you turn it in. We can't do that. You have to do it yourself. Learn, don't be lazy. Then ask.
going all out and assumeing bigger is better is the right state of mind to be in if ur ne wto this. all breeders have a differant style and method, they wont all say th same thing, mainly because breeding bettas is nvr a sure thing, every spanw is differant. iv heard of people doing the spawning in a 1g tub, and raiseing the fry in a 10g tank, this is a little small for bettas and i totally recommend you erase that whole idea from ur mind. the pinned article is a blue-print to how the setup should be and roughly how u should care for the fry, but your spawn may be differant as everyone's is, so u may have to mold the care list to fit ur scedral and your fish's needs. juts out of curiosity, what bettas are u breeding? u made menstion of breeding vt's before, and i really think u should reconsider that and buy some quality fish that can find good homes ;)
bred and keeping our first spawn in a ten gal tank. Didn't have many fry down to about 20 now who are all pretty much healthy bar five that are really small.........

I doubt you will get hundreds of fry on your first shot to be honest.

Just make sure you've got somewhere for the fish to live once they get big enough.
mrplaty said:
nooooo ...........i mean the growout tank size!!!!!!!!!!!! ive read the pinned topic millions of times!!!!!!!!!!! :grr:

just wanted other peoples opinions!!! ok???? :D
no need to get hasty! :rolleyes:
turbotiber said:
Here's an idea:

Use Google, Yahoo, Hotbot, Altavista etc etc etc and FIRST do research on breeding bettas. I mean, cover everything your heart desires to ask questions on. Make a list of questions and then find information that can answer those questions. When you've finished that and you have any doubts, questions, comments, concerns, opinions, ask away here. But don't go to one site and then claim you've researched. Really research, print things out, makes charts, cross reference sources, compare, contrast. Then ask.

Breeding any type of anything isn't like having some one else do your research, your homework your paper and then you turn it in. We can't do that. You have to do it yourself. Learn, don't be lazy. Then ask.
You are right on target! :D Be responsible.:)

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