south american puffer

clown plec

New Member
Jan 20, 2005
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wales uk
i have 2 of these little critters and 1 of them prefers to eat the pleco's algae
waffers to his own food(shrimp,prawn,bloodworm,muscles,etc). i dont think this is good for him as i am sure they are a meat eating fish. what can i do? ive had them for about 3 months and they both seem healthy and happy. :-(
I've got one of them 2 :p My other 2 SAs eat nothing but meaty foods like snails, bloodworms, brine shrimp, dapnia, prawns etc ... and this one just loves going after the waffers that are meant for my plec and corries. I dont think its anything to worry about though, because if your puffer is anything like mine, he'll still eat bloodworms as well. Try not feeding the waffers and bloodworms at the same time, but keep a break of a couple of hours inbetween (preferable bloodworms first, most plecs love them as well anyway!).
South American Puffers are naturally omnivorous and do like a little veggie in their diet.
This is normal behaviour, just be thankful it's not your plants he's eating!
sorry for taking so long to reply but thanks for the help im now a not so worried puffer fish keeper :thumbs:

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