South American Puffer Tank Setup


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2008
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I have just introduced 3 SAP's to my 3ft 45 Gal tank, but as with a previous SAP they spend most of the time swimming up and down the glass. At first I thought this was to do with their reflection in the glass, but have read into it and sounds like it could actually be down to the puffers not feeling safe and trying to swim out of the tank.

Does anyone have any experience of SAP's?

At present I have a big branchy piece of wood as the tank centrepiece,some rocky caves and 1 artificial plant (will add more soon but was testing how they look as I have always had real plants but find them impossible to keep without CO2 which I don't want to delve into!. What should I add to help make them feel more comfortable?

I am unsure of floating plants as they seem to just be blown around the tank by the filter pump...... Any advice would be great.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like they are "pacing" because there is not enough stimulation in the tank for them. SAPs like many puffers need a heavily furnished layout, with lots of nooks and crannies to explore amongst bogwood stacks and bushy plants, leaving one long side of the tank free facing a good current for them to swim against at times.
Sounds like they are "pacing" because there is not enough stimulation in the tank for them. SAPs like many puffers need a heavily furnished layout, with lots of nooks and crannies to explore amongst bogwood stacks and bushy plants, leaving one long side of the tank free facing a good current for them to swim against at times.

I thought as much, will add in some more plants & Rocks ASAP. They have only been in the tank a day by the way, but just want to get them happy asap as I know they are susceptible to disease when stressed!
Would be awesome if someone with happy healthy SAP's could post me a pic of their set up for inspiration!
Would be awesome if someone with happy healthy SAP's could post me a pic of their set up for inspiration!

java ferns, crypts, vals and pretty much any anubias and swords do well if not better with out co2... i tried my crypts with co2 over half a year and didn't grow as much as without it.
Would be awesome if someone with happy healthy SAP's could post me a pic of their set up for inspiration!

java ferns, crypts, vals and pretty much any anubias and swords do well if not better with out co2... i tried my crypts with co2 over half a year and didn't grow as much as without it.

I have Tahitian moon sand as my substrate would that be ok? Also would I need to add ferts etc?

You think adding live plants would help settle the SAP's?

Thanks in advance
Would be awesome if someone with happy healthy SAP's could post me a pic of their set up for inspiration!

java ferns, crypts, vals and pretty much any anubias and swords do well if not better with out co2... i tried my crypts with co2 over half a year and didn't grow as much as without it.

I have Tahitian moon sand as my substrate would that be ok? Also would I need to add ferts etc?

You think adding live plants would help settle the SAP's?

Thanks in advance

sand is fine, make sure with anubias and java fern the rhizome is above the sand so it wont rot and die. IMO with wild caught fish like SAPs, in this case, trying to make a natural look is always more interesting and as i believe more settling than bright blue gravel with a castle in the middle of the tank, both to the fish and the onlooker. Also jungle val grows really tall so you can basically line the sides and the back of the tank with it so they automatically dont go and pace the glass since the plants are there kinda as a distraction, not to say they still wont, but it helped my dwarf puffers settle down at least..
I always found my SAPs did better with dither fish in the tank, they are so uninterested in other fish in terms of nipping (was why i chose the puffers! and then fell in love...) but i found rasbora and some of the larger tetras like the Ornate Tetras (bentosi i think) looked amazing, shoaled comfortably enough that it made the puffers more confident and they didnt go mental stealing the food, id be more carefull with pig fish like rainbows and danios though...

You could just as easily use platies as dithers...

TBH in the end, my last SAP "Mr Puffles" ended up living in my 350L tank with my discus, angels, panaque, clown loach and tyre track eel and he got on fabulously with them all!
I always found my SAPs did better with dither fish in the tank, they are so uninterested in other fish in terms of nipping (was why i chose the puffers! and then fell in love...) but i found rasbora and some of the larger tetras like the Ornate Tetras (bentosi i think) looked amazing, shoaled comfortably enough that it made the puffers more confident and they didnt go mental stealing the food, id be more carefull with pig fish like rainbows and danios though...

You could just as easily use platies as dithers...

TBH in the end, my last SAP "Mr Puffles" ended up living in my 350L tank with my discus, angels, panaque, clown loach and tyre track eel and he got on fabulously with them all!

I do intend to add a shoal but want to wait a week or so as have only just introduced the puffers and don't want to rush. I keep my puffers in with a Blue Acara, Bolivian Rams and a couple of plecs. I also find SAP's to be very community friendly!

So my plan is:

1 - Add some plants as recommended by Shovelman. I agree with the natural look too, i hate all the plastic ornaments etc and have always gone with rock and wood in my tanks. So I will try and create enough cover and stimulation with some plants

2- Add some dither, I want to add some colour so any suggestions? They will obv need to be suitable for my blue acara who is around 5" but not agressive at all (he used to be in a tank with a 9" Chocolate, 7" JD & 7" Parrot so he was used to being the small one!)

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