bathking said:
I havet tried to keep the Peruvian leaf fish but so far, 3 have died. The last one died, I think, due to my 30% water change. It was eating alright on small fish and river shrimp. Any advice from anyone please? Thanks.
We had 2 , 1 died about 3 weeks after we got them , I think the other prevented him from eating , by hogging the food.
We've had the surviver for , I'd say 5 or 6 months now.
The one we have is actually a false leaf fish [ the one paul v linked ], so I'm not sure if we're talking about the same animal here .
Ours is still kind of small , I'd say 2 1/2 " . A little more then half grown .
It will only eat live food , and he has to see it moving or no deal , He refuses meal worms for the reason they move slow or don't move at all .
Until we can find another source our safest bet has been live brine shrimp . We gorge him once or twice a week , meaning he only eats once or twice a week .
Over the summer he ate many insects .
He has snails in his tank ,and my son has seen his eat some , not often , but if he's hungry it'll do .
Now about the water changes , these fish hardly move , and don't need to be feed [ as often or as much ]like , say cichlids , that tend to move around alot more then a leaf fish , so I think a 10% water change would be be fine , also the temp should be as close as you can get it esp if you replace 30% of the volume , maybe you do this , I don't know .Also , do you add water conditioner ?
Leafs are said to like water with a less than neutral Ph and a little on the acid side , our tap water suites him and all of our other fish just fine .
Did you look at my sons profile on the fish ? , is it the same as yours ?
If so , we he gets home , I'll get him to add his 2 cents .