South American Blackwater biotope


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
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Grantham, UK
I'm thinking about setting my cards and neons up in their own tank. I know the blackwater rivers have a lot of leaf litter - would using Indian almond leaf (betta stuff) be okay? Or could anyone suggest anything else I could use that would be available in the UK from lfs's or ebay?


Oak leaves work well. And the price is right ;)
I have used them in my tank with good results.
There are a lot of things that could help create a blackwater biotope. I'v found that bogwood and driftwood are great becuase they give tanks a more natrual look + offer hiding places for the fish you have, but if your not a wood fan then there are heaps of commercial products which can colour your water, although i'd push for the 'natrual' approach over the chemical one.

Thanks for the replies :D . Griz, do you buy your oak leaves or collect them? Do you pick fresh green ones and dry them or pick up the brown ones that have already fallen off the trees? Oak leaves are the ones with scalloped edges, right? Hmm, might have to hook up with someone who knows an oak tree from a hole in the ground and go tramping round the great outdoors!!!!
I collect oak and beech leaves from the woods behind the house. Leaves that have browned and fallen are best. The tree pulls some of the alkaloid out of the leaves in the autumn before they fall so as not to waste them, thus the leaves are "cleaner" once they have fallen naturally.

There are some somewhat arty pictures of oak and beech leaves here, click on them to enlarge. There are Spanish Oaks as well that have the same shaped, but much larger leaves.

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