SOS Sick Angelfish


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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My angel fish is just sitting at the bottom of my tank, he/ she is reluctant to move, even at feeding time, he/she has been acting odd for a couple of days now, and i'm sure he/she hasnt eaten much even when i hav tempted with live food, he /she has gone to investigate but turn his/her nose up at them, i have tried sinking pellets, flake, tubex, bloodworms, dalphia (? - unsure about the spelling) and nothing! I have tried to hand feed, normally this works a treat, and gobbles up flake from my hand, especially the red stuff! However no such luck,I brought the food to his/her mouth and instead the other angle picked at it instead.

Both the angels are babies, i've had then for about two months now, and there current size is about the size of a 50p piece.

Water readings:

Ammonia (i put a thread in about if it works correctly) 0
pH 7.6
KH 10
GH >16
No2 0 (mg/l)
No3 25 (mg/l)

He/ she shows no sypmtoms, no clamped fins, spots... nothing, which is why i am asking for you help, maybe you've seen this behavior before.
I have seen him/her swim, she/he swims short distances then sits back down again, there seems to be no problem in swimming or keping balance.
Poop however has been a little white, i am reluctant to diagnose internal parasite, yet i wont strike it off the list iether

I know that if you keep Angels they should be kept in groups of 3+ which helps keep agression to a minimal. I'm at home alot, (studying for my final coming up soon) and my work desk is next to the aquarium. i havent seen any agression whatsoever in the tank. The tank is also heavily planted, so there are loads of great hidding spots. I have however on some occasions seen the angel hiding in really very tightly squeezed places (noramlly i'm just checking if i can find the loaches)


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Have you tried doing a small water change, that can often perk fish up. If it is internal parasite, tis can be treated using Epsom salts (available at pharmacy) added to the tank like aquarium salt.
i used to have 2 small angels and when one behaved like this i later found that the other one had been attacking it........was really aggressive and sadly i couldn't save the apparently i should have got 3 and if 2 paired up i should have taken 1 back to the shop. :huh:
Monitor the fish closely and move it to a isolation tank if available. The white fecal casts make me lead to the conclusion that the fish may be in the first stages of Dropsy. Treat the fish in an isolation tank, or the whole tank if you have to with a broad spectrum antibiotic. If the fish's scales begin to protrude and the body swells, then it has dropsy. It could also be, like you thought, an internal parasite.
its not dropsy, his/her scales arent sticking out... i have him/her in isolation, i am treating for internal parasite, i dont know what else to treast for... it doesnt look like he/she is going to make it though, she/he is now lying almost vertically!!! :-( :-(

*sob* *sob*

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