Sos Pregnant Tetra Plese Hlp


Fish Fanatic
Dec 17, 2005
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Yesterday i bought 12 light glow tetras and when i got home i realised one was preganant, but today all of the other fish are chasing her and she seems a bit stressed and her fins and tail are being nipped constantly, i dont have another heated aquarium to put her in, so the question is what can i do???
Ive put herback in thebag that she was in yesterday filled it with water from the tank and pegged it to the tank so shes just floating aroundin the bag at the top of the tank!!!! What can i do???? ive got some grass that she can spawn in but no where to put it!!!! Please help!!!

Regards Pricey
You could try a tupperware container or icecream box what you can float on top of the tank, they probably wan't a live lunch, and they are stressing her out so i would put her in the container.
Well you have 3 options:

1.) If your loacal fish store isnt far from you then you could quickly go there and get a breeder net/trap. Just put the pregnat tetra in there and wait until she gives her babies. Then get a tank divider and divde the tanks into 3/4. The bigger part for your fish and the 1/4 part for your fry. O and put the fish that gave the babies back into ther regular tank. Your fry shud be fine.

2.) Go to your local store and get a seperater. It is like a huge divider which makes ur aquaium into 2. Dont divide it equally. Do it 3/4 for your fish and 1/4 for your fry like i mentioned. Then just take you pregnant tetra and place it on the smaller side. If you want you can even place a rock/ plant to give her comfort. Then let her do her job. Once she is done you can switch her back into the bigger side. Your fry will be safe on the other side of the tank.

3.) Just do survival of the fittest. First of get a coupel of plants/rocks if u can. That way she can hide. If not then just seperate her in breeding net/trap. Put her in that and when she delivers let all the fry's loose along with the mother. Just let nature do its part. There are bound to be a couple surviors as logn as you have enough hiding spots. O and the biggest thing is make sure you have brgine shrimp or something to give them.

Hope this will help :D
They scatter eggs - they don't give birth. What makes you tink "she's" pregnant ?
If she's being picked on by all other fish, return her to the store.

May I ask how do you know shes pregnant? (im wondering this becuase i think one of my tetras is)

if a Tetra's stomache is swollen, there is a problem other than being pregnant. As bloozoo2 said, tetras scatter eggs and DO NOT give birth to live fish. If the stomache is bloated, it could be because the fish is constipated, so try to feed peas or daphnia. If the scales are sticking out like a pinecone, then it is the dreaded dropsey. If only one side is sticking out, then it is likely a tumor.

Mine just looks fat... its perfecty healthy and has been looking like this for AGES... Can you see the eggs in the tetras body when their pregnant? I think shes just holding alot of eggs or shes just fat.

Just so people stop saying pregnant - tetras and other egg-layers can be gravid NOT pregnant. A plump tetra may well be a female carrying eggs and therefore is gravid.
2 of my white skirts are quite fat, but they are healthy otherwise. I guess they are egg laden then ? I do feed them veggies every week

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