but I was on hunt for small tube of aquarium sealant to seal holes in my terracotta pots..I went to local centre found tube of sealant. Had a quick look at fish, only my friend said they had bettas in a poor condition 2 weeks ago. They had one yellow boy swimming about quite happily. Very frayed fins and torn tail but all by himself. I said to girl on till..only got the one betta then...her reply...oh didnt think we had any..I said he is in a bit of a mess..she replied got some more in tomorrow for sale on tuesday. was she bovvered...no....I didnt buy him as he looked quite smug and he had a little coconut cave.
I had to stop in walmart on friday and thank goodness they were all out of Betta's otherwise I would have probably ended up with another one... good thing is, a lady with three kids was there asking after them so I directed her to Petsmart and answered a bunch of questions she had about them... ie: can they be kept together : no Is this tank okay? : no need at least a gallon (She had picked up one of those 'betta keepers' that are like, 5 x 4 x 5 if that? Do they need heat : yes it was enjoyable being able to help direct someone to the correct things... I also wrote down this website for her.