Sorry To Have Ignored You Guys


I only have a goldfish in a tank (& it cant drive)
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:

What it must be like to be in demand... :grr:

Welcome Back though, seriously... SkiFletch was taking over :nod:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:

What it must be like to be in demand... :grr:

Welcome Back though, seriously... SkiFletch was taking over :nod:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

they should arrange shifts between them, where would we be without them! :lol:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:

What it must be like to be in demand... :grr:

Welcome Back though, seriously... SkiFletch was taking over :nod:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

they should arrange shifts between them, where would we be without them! :lol:

Extraordinarily STUCK. :crazy:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
ok, but who are you?

omg I'm in the salty section, can someone guide me back to the 'proper' fish section?
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
ok, but who are you?

omg I'm in the salty section, can someone guide me back to the 'proper' fish section?

Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
ok, but who are you?

omg I'm in the salty section, can someone guide me back to the 'proper' fish section?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You lot up the top end of the forum have been warned about coming down here - you know what will happen - you'll turff your brown 'orrible looking fish after seeing the amazing stock we have
:lol: :p

Not a bad SciFi forum you have there Mr Wolf
Thanks for that guys

:good: :good:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
ok, but who are you?

omg I'm in the salty section, can someone guide me back to the 'proper' fish section?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

get back to your fearsome danio's wolfy :fun: :p :lol:
Morning Guys

Just a quick post just to let everyone that has pm'd me in the last 4 weeks or so that I have been away for a while but I will reply to all of them today (when I get home from work), sorry for the delay & I am glad to be back

:good: :good:
ok, but who are you?

omg I'm in the salty section, can someone guide me back to the 'proper' fish section?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

get back to your fearsome danio's wolfy :fun: :p :lol:

ahhh i made the mistake of becoming intrested in the pretty colours and coolnes of marine fish and now look at me im adicted and am using my christmas present on a nano. o well not much of a loss :p

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