Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
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Hiya I'm new to this forum and aslo fairly new to keeping Tropical fish. My Blue Platy has become very rounded both at the sides and the bottom of her stomach. I have read the other posts on identifying pregnant platys but I'm still struggling. Her stomach has become very dark, I've read about fish having a gravid spot but this looks like the backend of her stomach. She is also becoming squarer so I have isolated her, But I would appreciate it if you could look at the following photos and give me your opinion. Thanks in advance


Wow, I'm really excited now. Is it a definate gravid spot that she has?
She looks like she will drop in a couple of days and its not going to be a small drop either she looks like she has given birth before and shes a good healthy size id expect around 50-75 from her
haha I was excited, now i'm petrified! Thanks for your help
Aww rach

You beat me to it, was just about to post a picture of my pregnant platy, or rather the one I think is preggers, and ask exactly the same question!

Would you mind me posting a pic of mine on this thread, may aswell as its the same topic....we can compare then! If not its fine!

Congrats and hope she gives birth to lots of little cuties...!

I wouldn't mind at all, I would love to see ur pics Debbi. Fingers crossed, lets hope the stork brings us lots of fry rofl
I wouldn't mind at all, I would love to see ur pics Debbi. Fingers crossed, lets hope the stork brings us lots of fry rofl

Ok...well wasn't sure about posting pics on your thread but have now posted them on a new one, looking at yours and looking at mine, yours sure does look big, I might try and get one at a better angle, as she seems to like having her pic Oops and sorry for calling you rach, thought it was shortened and know some people hate their name being shortened....we need 5teady on here as he seems to be an expert on pregnant fish, and hes rather cute! :rolleyes:
I have a sneaky suspicion she is giving birth now, something is coming out of her that looks like a tail, but she has stopped midway, lets hope it's not just a poo, coz that would make me look right stupid lol
Btw I don't mind being called Rach, every1 calls it me, whos 5teady? I'm new to the forum today
I have a sneaky suspicion she is giving birth now, something is coming out of her that looks like a tail, but she has stopped midway, lets hope it's not just a poo, coz that would make me look right stupid lol
Btw I don't mind being called Rach, every1 calls it me, whos 5teady? I'm new to the forum today

Well welcome to the forum its a great place very informative and lots of great people who know what they are talking about...I am fairly new here too, but cannot keep off the site now, I am obsessed with fish!

He's just one of the forum members but is very helpful....if you get chance take a look at his website its cool!

Ooohhh how exciting if she is starting to give birth, have been watching mine all last night and all today, and still nothing, I hope no-one tells me she is just fat now or that may make me look I am like a father pacing the maternity unit...! My molly gave birth last week, two of them on the same day so have some little ones already, but would love to have some little platy's!
congrats on your first baby fry! she is a rather big looking girl so you should get a nice number of fry from her, maybe turn the light off a bit give her some privacy :)
Thanks for all the advice from everyone. She is currently having baby number 3, but each baby is taking between 5 - 10 minutes, is this normal? Lol I can't believe I am being so impatient seens as it took me 24 hours to have 1 baby, I'm just so excited!

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